Black-eyed Susan. Clump forming perennial with large black centered, yellow daisy like flowers from late summer to October. Compact growth with good resistance against leaf spotting and a height an..
Black eyed Susan. Clump forming with mid green leaves and orange-yellow flowers with a black centre from August to October. Best in any well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Height 60cm, ..
Large yellow daisy flowers with a black center. August to October. Height and spread to around 60cm x 45cm. Any soil in sun or light shade. Good for cut flowers and a must have for a mixed, late su..
Clump forming perennial with large daisy yellow, black centred flowers late summer and mid autumn. Grow in clay moist or well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Height 80cm, spread 45cm.
New and compact Rudbeckia with large yellow daisy flowers with a black center from end of July to October. Height and spread to around 40cm x 30cm. Any soil in sun or light shade. Go..
New and compact Rudbeckia with large yellow daisy flowers with a black center from end of July to October. Height and spread to around 40cm x 30cm. Any soil in sun or light shade. Good for cut flowers..
An upright, branching, bristly biennial or short-lived perennial, with ovate, veined, dark green leaves and, in summer and early autumn, daisy-like flowerheads in shades of orange, red and yellow s..
Huge orange-red flowers reach 4" across and are so numerous they blanket the foliage. Flowers just keep coming all season long from late spring to early Autumn so plenty for cutting. Best in fertil..
A clump forming deciduous perennial with large daisy like yellow , dark centered flowers summer to early autumn. Grow in any moist or well drained soil in full sun or part shade. Height 80cm, sprea..
Spectacular huge yellow daisy like flowers from mid summer until October. Grow in any fertile soil in full sun or part shade. Height 70cm, spread 45cm. Short lived perennial.
Upright clump forming deciduous perennial with large daisy like yellow flowers late summer and mid autumn. Grow in clay moist or well drained soil in full sun or part shade. Height 200cm, spread 90..
Upright clump forming deciduous perennial with large daisy like yellow flowers late summer and mid autumn. Grow in clay moist or well drained soil in full sun or part shade. Height 200cm, spread 90..
Upright clump forming deciduous perennial with large daisy like yellow flowers late summer and mid autumn. Grow in clay moist or well drained soil in full sun or part shade. Height 200cm, spread 90..
Clump forming deciduous perennial. Daisy like yellow flowers with brown centres from late summer to mid autumn. Grow in moist or well drained soil in full sun or part shade. Height 40cm, spread 35cm...
A great plant for the back of borders and a favourite for flower arrangers. Lush green foliage and in summer stiff upright flower stems hold large green flowers with huge dome shaped dark chocolate..
Large, single yellow flowers with quilled petals a green cone centre. Flowers from August to October. Height and spread to around 1.2m x 60cm. Good for cutting...