Adiantum aleuticum Imbricatum (1lt)

Adiantum aleuticum Imbricatum (1lt)

Dwarf maidenhair fern

Product Code: 100000006446
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A beautiful and dwarf form of maidenhair fern. Green deeply cut fronds with black wiry stems. Needs a moist, humus rich soil in partial shade. Forms a dense clump and is good for edging. Protect from winds.
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Evergreen Or Deciduous Evergreen
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy
Height 20cms
Native To NW USA
Plant Size Small: 0-1.5 Litres
Pot Size 1lt
Soil Type Humus Rich and Moisture Retentive
Spread 30cms
Common Name Dwarf maidenhair fern
Aspect Part Shade or shade