Rosa spinosissima (AKA. pimpinellifolia) (60-80cm bare root)

Rosa spinosissima (AKA. pimpinellifolia) (60-80cm bare root)

Burnet rose or Scottish rose

Family: Rosaceae
Product Code: 300000003964
Stock In stock
Scottish rose or Burnet rose. Suckering shrubby rose with dark green, fern-like leaves, very spiny stems and creamy white flowers have a central mop of golden stamens followed by purplish black hips. Scented. An excellent hadry and reliable rose suited for ground cover or scrambling Height and spread between 60cm and 1.5m.
- +
Colour White
Evergreen Or Deciduous Deciduous
Flower Colour white
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy
Height 0.6-1.5m
Native To UK
Pot Size 60-80cm bare root
Scented yes
Season Summer
Soil Type Moist but well drained
Spread 1.2m
Time Of Flowering June-July
Common Name Burnet rose or Scottish rose
Aspect Sun or Part Shade