
Garden Jobs In May 2023

Marvellous May! Our outdoor spaces are springing into life in such a welcoming way.  The warmth has returned to the soil, the laziest of hibernat...

Spring Plants For Your Borders

As the new season bursts into life, it's a time of great excitement and enthusiasm for new ideas and changes to existing borders.  Here are a few...

Garden Jobs In April 2023

Spring is finally here and with it comes the feeling of excitement and joy for new beginnings. With all the challenges we have faced this last few yea...

Mother's Day Treats

Treat your special mum this Mother's Day with a gift that will bring a smile to her face year after year.  We have something beautiful for all bu...

Garden Jobs In March 2023

March welcomes wonderful carpets of colour from spring perennials and bulbs bringing cheer to our gardens and faces in abundance. It is a month full o...

Garden Jobs In February 2023

The countdown to spring has started. It's so cheering to see snowdrops, aconites, crocus, muscari and early daffodils popping out buds as they soak up...

Garden Jobs In January 2023

January may seem the most unlikely time to embrace the garden, but a successful garden never sleeps and there are plenty of fun and easy jobs that can...

Garden Jobs In December 2022

Christmas is nearly upon us, and although the light is at it's lowest and the weather is often grey, there is nothing nicer than sitting inside cosy a...

Fantastic November Offers

Autumn is such a beautiful season full of of vibrant colour, and these fantastic offers will not only give you colour, but texture and movement too.&n...

Garden Jobs In November 2022

Despite the short days and sometimes bleak weather, the November garden can still deliver some delight just when we need it, with late flowering bloom...