Jacob's Ladder. A clump-forming perennial with divided green foliage and pretty blue flowers in early summer. Max Height 30cm to 90cm. Max Spread 30cm. Flowers June to July. Sun or part shade. Hard..
Superb foliage plant with variegated green and cream leaves topped by violet blue flowers in summer. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or shade. Height and spread to around 45cm x 30cm. Choice.
Mounds of soft lobed green foliage mix well with ajugas, aquilegas and grasses. In late spring and early summer flowers spikes to 50cm tall hold dainty, lilac/mauve flowers with yellow centres. Fou..
Clump forming. Divided green leaves. Flowers are mauve upon opening that gradually fade to light pink.Hardy. Full sun or part shade. height & spread:45cm
Jacob's ladder. Clump forming deciduous perennial producing purple leaves with spikes of purple flowers late spring and early summer. Grow in any moist or well drained soil in full sun or part shad..