An erect perennial with large daisy-like flowerheads and a cone-shaped dark orange disc surrounded by deep purple horizontal petals. Max Height 1.5m. Max Spread 45cm. Flowers July to September. Ful..
Part of the Prairie Blaze series, beautiful orange cone flowers with an orange brown boss in the centre are held above bushy foliage. Height to around 60cm with a spread of up to 40cm. Any moist bu..
Attractive white or pink coneflowers with a yellow/ brown boss are held on strong stems above bushy foliage. Height to around 60cm with a spread of up to 45cm. Any moist but well drained soil in fu..
Erect perennial with stems of daisy like ivory white flowers with orange centres from July to August. Best in well drained, fertile soil in full sun. Height 60cm, spread 45cm