Allium schoenoprasum (Chives) Vegetable Seeds


A member of the onion family chives are delicious used in salads, stir frys, dressings and all sorts of other culinary uses. Cut back and feed after flowering to encourage new growth. Height and spre..

Ammi majus Seeds


A deservedly popular umbel with large lacy white umbel flowers through summer. A very effective filler for beds and borders. Hardy annual with a height and spread to around 1m x 20cm (1.8m x 50cm if s..

Annual Bee Mixed Seeds


A colourful mixture of easy to grow annual flowers, giving a large range of bee friendly plants over a long flowering season.Hardy Annuals.Heigh 30 - 60cmWhen to sow: Jan - AprPlant: Apr - JunHarvest:..

Antirrhinum Snap Happy Seeds


Antirrhinum is more commonly known as the ever popular Snapdragon. Snap Happy Mixed is a semi-dwarf selection of vibrant colours for containers and  borders. Growing to an approximate height of 3..

Aquilegia KcKanas Giant Seeds


McKanas Giant produces long spurred blooms in a multitude of colour and combinations.  The flowers have the most delicate and unusual looking appearance reaching an approximate height of 75cm.Per..

Aubergine Long Purple Vegetable Seeds


Traditional Aubergine and one of the most popular in the world. Medium sized, deep violet fruits with good flavour and texture, approximately 25cm long,  The aubergine plant is quite bushy with t..

Beetroot Boltardy Vegetable Seeds - AGM


The most popular choice for early sowing with  good resistance to bolting.  Produces medium size globe shapped roots of superb deep red with no rings.  Good resistance to bolting.Pack s..

Beetroot Detroit 2 Vegetable Seeds


This deep red flesh, marvellous flavour beet is still one of the favourites for main crop sowing.  It is easy to grow and stores well and much more tasty than fresh shop bought beetroot.  It..

Beetroot Pablo (Beta vulgaris) Vegetable seeds


Large, tender round beets are smooth skinned with rich red flesh. Highly nutritious and a good source of potassium. Prefers fertile well drained soil in part shade. This excellent deep red, beetroot c..

Showing 1 to 9 of 152 (17 Pages)