Salad Rocket Runway (Eruca vesicaria ssp. sativa) (12 pack)


Attractive, deeply serrated leaves with a peppery, tangy flavour to them. Ideal to add to salads etc. Fast growing for harvest as baby leaves. A rich source of iron as well as vitamins a & c...

Salicornia europaea (9cm)


Marsh samphire. Delicious as a steamed vegetable especially so with fish dishes. An interesting plant for the windowsill. Commonly found in salt marshes it is best watered with a saline soluitio (1tea..

Sugar Snap peas (6 pack)


A round podded mangetout type pea with a sweet taste. Height to 75cm. Steam gently to retain nutrients or eat raw in salads etc. ..

Tomato Beefsteak (9cm)


Large rounded tomatoes delicious straight from the vine, sliced into steakes and or cooked. One of the largest tomatoes available and deservedly popular. It can be grown in a greenhouse or outdoors in..

Tomato Gardeners Delight (9cm)


One of the most popular tomatoes of all. Juicy tomatoes and a firm, old time favourite for allotment holders. Uniform, round red fruits ripen mid season, and have an outstanding flavour. A heavy cropp..

Tomato Golden Sunrise (Heritage) (0.9lt)


Listed in European catalogues in the 1890s this cordon tomato produces golden yellow fruitsof a medium size. Heavy cropping, the skins are thin and the flavour superb. Perfect for salads...

Tomato Shirley f1 (9cm)


Tomato F1 Shirley is an excellent variety for the cold or slightly heated greenhouse. These tomato plants crop very heavily on relatively compact plants, are resistant to virus attack, greenback, leaf..

Tomato Tumbler (9cm)


Ideal for pots and hanging baskets. Tumbler is a bush variety and has small round, juicy fruits with an excellent flavour, perfect for salads...

Showing 28 to 35 of 35 (4 Pages)