Campanula Ringsabell Mulberry Rose (1.5lt)


The new Ringsabell series of campanulas are superb for both pots and borders being less vigorous than their cousins with more flower power. Mulberry Rose has masses of rose pink bell flowers on..

Campanula Ringsabell Mulberry Rose (1lt)


The new Ringsabell series of campanulas are superb for both pots and borders being less vigorous than their cousins with more flower power. Mulberry Rose has masses of rose pink bell flowers on..

Campanula Ringsabell Opal White (1lt)


The new Ringsabell series of campanulas are superb for both pots and borders being less vigorous than their cousins with more flower power. Opal white has masses of white  bell flowers on ..

Chaenorhinum origanifolium Blue Dream (1lt)


Charming alpine dwarf snapdragon with a spreading habit. Masses of violet blue snapdragon flowers with yellow throatsin late spring and summer. Great for pollinators. Grow in sharply drained soil i..

Chiastophyllum oppositifolium (7cm)


A shade loving relative to sedums oppositifolium forms a low mound of  toothed, fleshy, ovate green leaves.  Arching racemes of small bright yellow flowers on reddish brown stems to aroun..

Delosperma cooperi (0.8lt)


Creeping ice plant. An excellent choice for a rockery or sunny well drained site. Bright magenta pink flowers with white centres cover this low growing succulent in early and late summer. Fleshy gr..

Delosperma cooperi Wheels of Wonder Limoncello (1lt)


Creeping ice plant. An excellent choice for a rockery or sunny well drained site. Bright magenta pink flowers with yellow centres cover this low growing succulent in early and late summer. Fleshy grey..

Delosperma Jewel of Desert Garnet (0.8lt)


Flowers are a kaleidoscope of colour from vivid garnet red petals with a pink inner ring eminating from a white central eye. These top hummocks of fresh green succulent foliage through summer. Ideal f..

Delosperma Jewel of Desert Moonstone (0.8lt)


Large pure white daisy-like flowers with prominent yellow stamens open on top of hummocks of fresh green succulent foliage through summer. Ideal for rockeries and troughs in sharply drained soil in a ..

Showing 19 to 27 of 64 (8 Pages)