Aubrieta Axcent Light Blue (0.7lt)


A beautiful carpeting evergreen aubrietia with smothered in light blue flowers from April to June. Ideal for rockeries, pots or the front of sunny borders. Height and spread to around 15cm x 35cm. ..

Aurinia saxatilis Gold Ball (Alyssum)(1lt)


Beautiful, evergreen, mat forming alpine for full sun or light shade. Grey green leaves and in April and May is completely covered in masses of tiny golden flowers. Height and spread to around 30cm..

Campanula carpatica Deep Blue (9cm)


Deep blue, bell shaped flowers produced above toothed, mid-green leaves. Mounds of foliage steadily creep to form low carpets. Good for softening wall edges etc...

Campanula carpatica White Uniform (1lt)


Stunning little low growing campanula that produces masses of crisp white flowers throughout Summer. Easy to grow in any well drained soil in full sun or part shade. Height 20cm , Spread 50cm. ..

Campanula cochlearifolia Elizabeth Oliver (0.8lt)


A charming little alpine campanula forming mounds of slowly creeping green foliage that is great at softening wall edges and rocks. From late spring to midsummer it has lots of fully..

Campanula garganica (1lt)


A charming little alplpine campanula forming mounds of slowly creeping green foliage that is great at softening wall edges and rocks. From late spring to midsummer it has lots of bright blue fl..

Campanula garganica Dickson's Gold (1lt)


A charming little alplpine campanula that forms mounds of slowly creeping golden foliage that is great at softening wall edges and rocks. From late spring to midsummer it has lots of bright blue fl..

Campanula Ringsabell Mulberry Rose (1.5lt)


The new Ringsabell series of campanulas are superb for both pots and borders being less vigorous than their cousins with more flower power. Mulberry Rose has masses of rose pink bell flowers on..

Campanula Ringsabell Mulberry Rose (1lt)


The new Ringsabell series of campanulas are superb for both pots and borders being less vigorous than their cousins with more flower power. Mulberry Rose has masses of rose pink bell flowers on..

Showing 10 to 18 of 62 (7 Pages)