Reineckia carnea (1lt)
THE UNICORN PLANT. Short spikes of pink hyacinth-like flowers in summer/autumn followed by dark ruby red berries. Deep green ribbon shaped grassy leaves from spreading rhizomatic stems. Best ..
Rheum Ace of Hearts (2lt)
Huge dark green heart shaped leaves backed and veined with crimson, spires of palest pink flowers in early summer. Much shorter and more compact than atropurpureum growing to around 1.2m. Any moist..
Rheum palmatum (5lt)
Large green leaves on this imposing plant. Creamy flower spikes up to 6ft. Any moistish soil in sun/part shade. ..
Rheum palmatum atrosanguineum (2lt)
Chinese Rhubarb. A bold perennial with dark green leaves, vivid crimson when young, purple-red beneath. Rich cerise-pink flowers in early summer. Height and spread up to 2.5m x 1.8m. Moisture reten..
Ricinus communis red leaved form (2lt)
Upright half hardy annual with large glossy leaves that may be red, purple or bronze. Greenish yellow flowers are produced in clusters during the summer. These are followed by poisonous but ver..
Rodgersia aesculifolia (1.5lt)
Tall spires of white and creamy pink flowers in midsummer. Bronze chestnut leaf like foliage when young matures green. Leaves can be up to 60cm wide on mature plants. Height and spread 1-2m. Any mo..
Rodgersia aesculifolia (2lt)
Tall spires of white and creamy pink flowers in midsummer. Bronze chestnut leaf like foliage when young matures green. Leaves can be up to 60cm wide on mature plants. Height and spread 1-2m. Any mo..
Rodgersia aesculifolia var. henrici (1.5lt)
Tall conical spires of starry pinky red flowers emerge in midsummer above large divided chestnut leaf like foliage. Foliage emerges bronze in spring and matures to green. Height and spread 1.5m x 1m. ..
Rodgersia Bronze Peacock (1.5lt)
Deep, bronze, thick leaves fan out like a peacocks tail. Veins deeply indented into the leaves look spectacular throughout the growing season. Large trusses of small pink flowers held above the..