Ladys mantle. Sprays of greeny yellow flowers from April to August. Good ground cover. Mounds of fresh green foliage excellent for catching rain drops and morning dew. Height 12-18ins (30-45cms). A..
A clump forming perennial with deeply lobed leaves. It produces sprays of yellow/green flowers in late spring or early summer. Any soil in sun or partial shade. Height 40cm, spread 40cm.
A rare form of chives collected from Mizoram India. Beautiful drumstick white flowers are held on stiff stems to around 45cm tall. Flowers start in late May and plants can still be flowering into D..
Galangal or Blue Ginger. Large lance shaped green leaves are arranged alternately on stiff upright stems that grow to around 2m tall. In summer creamy flowers are borne in terminal clusters. Pri..
This alstroemeria produces white trumpet like flowers with yellow throats flecked in burgundy with purple splashes to the petals, above green foliage. It performs best in full sun or light shade..
This alstroemeria produces butter cream coloured trumpet like flowers with a speckled yellow throat, above green foliage. It performs best in full sun or light shade in a free draining soil.&nbs..
This alstroemeria produces blood red trumpet like flowers with a speckled throat, above green foliage. It performs best in full sun or light shade in a free draining soil. It will flower f..
One of the dwarf Alstroemerias. Clump forming, tuberous perennial with lance shaped glaucous green leaves and cream flowers with splashes of pink and yellow through summer. Height ands spread to ar..
Dwarf form of Princess lily. Strong stems between 20 and 30cm of salmon pink flowers with creamy yellow, flecked brown throats. Prefers, fertile, well drained soil in full sun.