Search - bergenia
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Bergenia Bressingham Ruby (3lt)
Introduced by Adrian Bloom in 1984 this is one of the best Bergenias for winter leaf colour. In spri..
Bergenia crassifolia
Free flowering with purplish pink, bell shaped flowers above glossy green, slightly crinkled leaves ..
Bergenia Diamond Drops (1lt)
Elephants ears. Clumps of lush, shiny, rounded green leaves that take on purple/red hues in winter. ..
Bergenia Eroica (1lt)
Lush green foliage which turns to stunning shades of copper in the autumn. Bright pink flowers on re..
Bergenia Harzkristall (1lt)
Glossy evergreen leaves. Strong red stained stems hold pretty white flowers with a hint of pink in s..