Search - acer
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Acer campestre (bare root 1-1.25m)
Field Maple. Excellent for hedging, or as a lovely natural tree, turning butter yellow in autu..
Acer campestre (bare root 40-60cm)
Field Maple. Excellent for hedging, or as a lovely natural tree, turning butter yellow in autu..
Acer campestre Red Shine (12lt)
Field Maple. Fabulous form of field maple where the new growth is a striking red that then matures t..
Acer capillipes (12lt)
Beautifully striped bark on this attractive and unusual snake barked maple. Young growth coral..
Acer cappadocicum Aureum (12lt)
Most attractive medium sized tree with red tinted young leaves turning golden yellow for many weeks ..
Acer cappadocicum Rubrum (13.5lt)
Most attractive medium sized tree with red young leaves becoming green in summer. Rich yellow ..
Acer cappadocicum Rubrum (7.5lt)
Most attractive medium sized tree with red young leaves becoming green in summer. Rich yellow ..
Acer davidii George Forrest (25lt)
Snake bark maple. Large dark green leaves with rhubarb red stalks. Beautifully striped bark.&n..
Acer davidii Viper 'mindavi' (12lt)
Smaller growing than many others this is a charming upright form of snake bark maple with a height a..
Acer griseum (12.5lt airpot)
Very attractive peeling, orange-brown bark and outstanding red and yellow autumn foliage. Insignific..
Acer japonicum Vitifolium (4lt)
Known for its superb autumn colour and vine shaped leaves. Acer vitifolium is slow to grow at first ..
Acer negundo Flamingo (7lt)
Box elder Maple. A stunning form of variegated Acer negundo, whose leaves open on glaucous stems wit..
Acer negundo Violaceum (7.5lt)
Young stems are a deep purple with a white bloom, shoots as they emerge are violet pink and mature g..
Acer palmatum Atropurpureum (10lt)
One of the taller growing varieties of Japanese Acer trees with red-purple leaves turning bright red..
Acer palmatum Beni-maiko (0.9m standard)(7lt)
Beni-maiko translates to red haired dancing girl. Striking shocking pink to red new foliage emerges ..