Search - Primula
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Primula auricula (0.8lt)
An alpine primula with evergreen rosettes of rounded green leaves and clusters of scented flowers in..
Primula auricula Berti (1lt)
Scented evergreen with pretty double yellow flowers in spring, neat compact growth. Height and sprea..
Primula auricula Gretel (1lt)
Lovely scented evergreen that has single flowers with green tips and red bands in the petals and a w..
Primula auricula Kathl (1lt)
Kathl is a strong growing show auricula with scented yellow flowers in spring that have a white ring..
Primula auricula Mare (1lt)
Scented evergreen with pretty double pink flushed white flowers in spring, neat compact growth. Heig..
Primula Belarina Buttercup Yellow (1lt)
Belarina series of Primula form lush mounds of green foliage and have double flowers. Buttercup yell..
Primula Belarina Lively Lilac (1lt)
Belarina series of Primula form lush mounds of green foliage and have double flowers with a rosette ..
Primula Belarina Ocean Blue (1lt)
From the Ballerina series. Lush mounds of green foliage with deep blue double flowers with a thin si..
Primula Belarina Pink Champagne (1lt)
Belarina series of Primula with soft pink flowers in delicate rosettes from spring through to summer..
Primula bulleyana (1lt)
Numerous stems of orange/yellow candelabra type flowers from June to August. Height to 2ft. Lovely r..
Primula denticulata alba (1lt)
Drum head Primula. Large ball shaped heads of white flowers in spring. Height and spread to around 3..
Primula denticulata Lilac (1lt)
Strong stems hold rounded lilac flowers above rosettes of mid-green leaves. Height to around 40cms. ..
Primula denticulata Red-flowered (Ruby) (1lt)
Strong stems hold rounded red flowers above rosettes of mid-green leaves like large drumsticks. Heig..
Primula elatior (0.9lt)
Native oxlip. Reminiscent of an overgrown Cowslip with pale yellow primrose flowers ontop of sturdy ..
Primula Gold-laced Group Black (1lt)
Dark flowers almos black with golden edges to the petals. Height to 5ins. Sun or part shade. Not too..