Search - Hebe
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Hebe Blue Star (2lt)
Lance shaped glaucous, grey green leaves on this compact rounded Hebe. Masses of short spikes of whi..
Hebe Champagne (2lt)
Grows to an attractive, rounded evergreen shrub about 60cm x 60cm. Glossy, lanceolate deep green lea..
Hebe Charming White (2lt)
A newly introduced variety with deep green lanceolate evergreen leaves and in summer has lilac tinte..
Hebe cupressoides Boughton Dome (2lt)
Slow growing dwarf hebe that makes a neat evergreen mound eventually to around 40cm high by 60cm wid..
Hebe Emerald Gem (2lt)
An evergreen shrub making an almost perfect mound of tiny green leaves, ideal for rockeries, pots or..
Hebe Frozen Flame (2lt)
Compact evergreen shrub with purple red foliage and blue flowers. Grows well in a pot. Height and sp..
Hebe Garden Beauty Purple (5lt)
A beautiful mounded evergreen shrub that has masses of short purple flower spikes through summer. Le..
Hebe Heartbreaker (2lt)
An upright, evergreen shrub, which grows to about 30 in (75 cm) high and wide in 4 years. The spear-..
Hebe High Voltage (5lt)
New to our range and bred from Nicola's blush, High Voltage has abundant two tone pink and white flo..
Hebe Jewel of the Nile (2lt)
A new evergreen hebe of compact habit (80cm x 80cm) making it ideal for pots on the terrace or front..
Hebe Kirkii (2lt)
A large hebe growing to around 2m x 2m with narrow lanceolate green leaves. In midsummer spikes of w..
Hebe Leopard (2lt)
A sport of H. Fran. Var found at Lowaters nursery with a distictive spotted cream and green pattern ..
Hebe Mette (2lt)
Small glossy evergreen leaves on this compact bushy shrub to about 50cm. Pink flowers from late summ..
Hebe Mint Chocolate (2lt)
Glossy, cocoa coloured evergreen leaves and violet purple flowers in summer. Easy to grow with a hei..
Hebe ochracea James Stirling (2lt)
A very compact dwarf golden whipcord hebe. White flowers in late summer. Any soil in sun. Very slow ..