A profusion of wine red flowers with twisted sepals from June until September. Prune hard in autumnearly spring. Any deep well drained soil in sun or shade. Plant clematis at least two inches deepe...
Lovely smokey amethyst coloured double flowers from July-September. A very hardy variety. Grow in full sun or part shade and in any well drained soil. Height 2-3m & Spread 1.5m. Pruning group 3...
AGM holding variety. From midsummer to autumn gorgeous blunt ended mauve/pink edged white flowers dance happily amongst green foliage. Good for scrambling through shrubs, small trees or on walls, f...
Large, saucer shaped, purpley blue flowers with red centres are produced above dark green leaves. Flowers from mid summer to Autumn. Height 2-5m Spread 2m. Any aspect. Prune code 3. Prune hard in F...
Large, saucer shaped, purpley blue flowers with red centres are produced above dark green leaves. Flowers from mid summer to Autumn. Height 2-5m Spread 2m. Any aspect. Prune code 3. Prune hard in F...
Double lilac-purple flowers with paler centres produced from July into autumn. Any aspect. Height and spread to around 4m. Best in well drained, deep, fertile neutral to alkaline soil. Prune hard i...
Rich reddish-purple flowers are produced throughout the summer on this medium sized clematis with a height and spread to around 3m x 2m. Prune hard in early spring. Prune group 3.
New and unusual viticella variety that has violet purple flowers with pink bars that are double at first and single later on. Height and spread to around 3m x 1m. Prune hard in winter. Prune group 3. ...
Released at Chatsworth in 2019 this is a fabulous new variety that has deep blue purple flowers with central bars over a long period in summer. Suited for sun or shade this is a great addition to any ...