A splended, rounded, compact shrub withdark green foliage, turning rich red in autumn. Round scented white flowers from pink buds in April and May. flower heads up to 5 inches across. Height and sp...
Arching habit with long heavilly veined dark green leaves and gray undersides. Large clusters of small white flowers in summer. Grows to a beautiful specimen shrub to around 4m x 2m. Any well drain...
Purple-black foliage and reddy purple flowers make a stunning combination. Compact growth. Works well in borders and or pots. Height and spread to around 80cm.
Beautiful variegated shrub with green leaves and white margins. Masses of gorgeous pale pink flowers with darker centers from May to June. Fully hardy. Plant in full sun or part shade in well drain...
Beautiful variegated shrub producing masses of trumpet shaped pale pink flowers from May to June. Fully hardy. Plant in full sun or part shade in well drained soil. Height & spread to around 1-1.5...
Fast growing, upright spreading shrub with funnel-shaped bright red to pink flowers from dark red buds and deep green leaves tinged purple. Easy to grow in any good garden soil in sun or part shade. H...
American Toothache Tree.Unusual large shrub bearing attractive pinnate foliage.Small yellowish green flowers.are followed by clusters of jet black fruits encased in red seedpods. Leaves and seedpod...
Chinese pepper Tree. Small yellowish green flowers are followed by clusters of jet black fruits encased in red seedpods. Leaves and seedpods very aromatic and used in cooking as is the bark. Small tho...