Snowball Tree. A rounded shrub with dark green leaves, purple tinted in autumn. Globular heads of creamy white flowers the size of tennis balls from late spring to early summer (May and June). Heig...
Snowball Tree. A rounded shrub with dark green leaves, purple tinted in autumn. Globular heads of creamy white flowers the size of tennis balls from late spring to early summer (May and June). Heig...
Truly spectacular when in flower this bushy shrub reaches a height and spread to around 3m. Rounded or 'popcorn' shaped clusters of white flowers cover the bush in early summer. Any soil in sun or ...
A superb new introduction gaining much acclaim at Chelsea flower show 2015. Tiered branches hold pure white lacecap flowers in May and June followed by clusters of bright reddish pink berries. On t...
A bushy shrub with tiered branches. Dark green leaves turn wine purple-red in autumn. Flat white heads of flowers in tiered layers in May and June make this a most beautiful shrub. Height and sprea...
A bushy shrub with tiered branches. Dark green leaves turn wine purple-red in autumn. Flat white heads of flowers in tiered layers in May and June make this a most beautiful shrub. Any soil in sun ...
A bushy shrub with deeply veined, dark green leaves, wine purple-red in autumn. Pretty, flat heads of white flowers mature to pink in a tiered layer in late spring and summer (May and June). ...
Similar to Viburnum bodnantense except the flowers are larger and hold their colour longer before fading. Height and spread to around 3m x 2m. Any well drained fertile soil in sun or shade. Hardy, ver...
An upright shrub with dark green leaves, bronze when young. Clusters of scented pink flowers from December to February. The young leaves are an attractive bronzy colour. Height 9-12feet. Spread 6fe...