Yellow and green flecked leaves adorn this unusual form of wayfaring tree, Bushy growth to about 1.5m. Clusters of white flowers follwed by dark fruits in autumn. Any soil in sun or part shade.
Lots of interest from this compact semi evergreen with upright and outwardly spreading habit. Scented panicles of white flowers appear from early summer and are followed by red berries when pollinated...
(GUELDER ROSE). A British native shrub with dark green foliage turning red in autumn. Flat heads of heavily scented white flowers in May and June. Followed by translucent red berries in autumn. Hei...
(GUELDER ROSE). A British native shrub with dark green foliage turning red in autumn. Flat heads of heavily scented white flowers in May and June. Followed by translucent red berries in autumn. Hei...
(GUELDER ROSE). A British native shrub with dark green foliage turning red in autumn. Flat heads of heavily scented white flowers in May and June. Followed by translucent red berries in autumn. Hei...
(Dwarf Guelder Rose) A dense shrub with dark green leaves that turn red in autumn. White lacecap flowers from May to July are followed by bright red fruit in the autumn. Height and spread to around 1....