Euphorbia stygiana (1lt)

Euphorbia stygiana (1lt)

Product Code: 100000006200
SKU : 100000006200
  • £6.00

A beautiful and rare species Euphorbia native to the Azores where it is almost extinct. Broadly lanceolate deep green leaves with pale midribs in whorls around the stems. Leaves take on a reddish tinge in winter. Clusters of pale yellow, honey scented flowers in early  summer. Height and spread to around 60cm x 1.2m over time. Can be slow to establish. Does best in a fertile, well drained, sheltered site in sun. 


Colour Yellow
Evergreen Or Deciduous Evergreen
Flower Colour Pale yellow
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy in a sheltered site
Height 60cm
Native To Azures
Plant Size Small: 0-1.5 Litres
Pot Size 1lt
Season Summer
Soil Type Any well drained
Spread 1.2m
Time Of Flowering Spring to Summer
Common Name spurge
Aspect Sun or Part Shade