Anthemis cretica subsp. carpatica karpatenschnee (0.8lt)

Anthemis cretica subsp. carpatica karpatenschnee (0.8lt)

Product Code: 300000007897
SKU : 300000007897
  • £3.00

Low growing carpet of finely divided grey/green leaves with golden centered, large white daisy like flowers in summer. Height and spread to around 15cm x 30cm. Best grown in well drained soil in sun. 
Colour White
Evergreen Or Deciduous Deciduous
Flower Colour white
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy
Height 0.15m
Plant Size Small: 0-1.5 Litres
Pot Size 0.8lt
Season Spring to Summer
Soil Type Any well drained
Spread 0.3m
Time Of Flowering May-September
Common Name dwarf chamomile
Aspect Sunny