Philadelphus mexicanus Rose Syringa (2lt)

Philadelphus mexicanus Rose Syringa (2lt)

Product Code: 100000011632
SKU : 100000011632
Limited quantity left in stock
  • £18.00

A magnificent climbing or scrambling shrub with sweetly scented white, cup shaped flowers in summer that have a rose pink central blotch around golden anthers. Given wires or something to climb up it can reach 4m+ has small deep green leaves and is semi-evergreen. Deserved of a sheltered wall in a sunny spot but can be grown as a free standing shrub. Rare.

Colour White
Evergreen Or Deciduous semi-evergreen
Flower Colour White
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy
Height 2-5m
Native To Mexico
Plant Size Medium: 2-5 Litres
Pot Size 2lt
Scented yes 10/10
Season Summer
Soil Type Moist but well drained
Spread 1-2m
Time Of Flowering summer
Aspect Sun or Part Shade