Libertia ixioides Taupo Sunset (2lt)

Libertia ixioides Taupo Sunset (2lt)

Product Code: 100000011628
SKU : 100000011628
  • £8.50

Spikey  iris like foliage that changes colour from green to purple, red and yellow through the seasons.  White flowers in summer.  Any free draining fertile soil in sun or light shade. Height and spread to around 50cm x 50cm.
Colour White
Evergreen Or Deciduous Evergreen
Flower Colour White
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy
Height 0.5m
Plant Size Medium: 2-5 Litres
Pot Size 2lt
Season Summer
Soil Type Moist but well drained
Spread 0.5m
Time Of Flowering Summer
Aspect Sun or Part Shade