Buddleja davidii Royal Red (7.5lt)

Buddleja davidii Royal Red (7.5lt)

Product Code: 200000000602
SKU : 200000000602
  • £19.90

Deep maroon red flowers in June and July. Prune back after flowering each year and again in the winter to keep in shape. Any soil in sun or light shade. Height to 12ft (4m). Can be kept to max height of 6ft (2m) by twice yearly pruning.
Also Known As N/A
Colour Purple
Evergreen Or Deciduous Deciduous
Flower Colour purple/red
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy
Height 3m
Native To China
Plant Breeders Rights N/A
Plant Size Large: 6-9 Litres
Poisonous N/A
Pot Size 7.5lt
Scented yes
Season Summer
Soil Type Moist but well drained
Spread 5m
Time Of Flowering July-September
Common Name N/A
Award Of Garden Merit yes
Aspect Sunny