Rosa Bring me Sunshine (Ausernie) (6lt)

Rosa Bring me Sunshine (Ausernie) (6lt)

English Shrub Rose

Family: Rosaceae
Product Code: 100000011132
Stock In stock
Fragrant bush rose with large deeply filled cups of rich sunset orange yellow colours. Flowers repeat well in the summer and pale to light apricot. Height and spread to around 1.25 x 1.2m. Grows in any soil in south, east or west facing aspects.
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Colour Orange
Evergreen Or Deciduous Deciduous
Flower Colour orange yellow
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy
Height 1.25m
Native To N/A
Plant Breeders Rights yes
Pot Size 6lt
Scented yes
Season Summer
Soil Type Moist but well drained
Spread 1.2m
Time Of Flowering July-August
Common Name English Shrub Rose
Aspect Sun or Part Shade