Bergenia Diamond Drops (1lt)

Bergenia Diamond Drops (1lt)

Product Code: 100000009519
SKU : 100000009519
  • £5.00

Elephants ears. Clumps of lush, shiny, rounded green leaves that take on purple/red hues in winter. Dwarf variety that has short flower spikes in spring studded with masses of pure white, cup shaped flowers. Any good garden soil in sun or shade. Height and spread to around 20cm.
Colour White
Evergreen Or Deciduous Evergreen
Flower Colour white
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy
Height 0.2m
Native To Siberia
Plant Size Small: 0-1.5 Litres
Pot Size 1lt
Season Spring
Soil Type Any well drained
Spread 0.2m
Time Of Flowering April
Common Name Elephants Ears
Aspect Sun or Part Shade