Campanula glomerata Joan Elliot (2lt)

Campanula glomerata Joan Elliot (2lt)

Product Code: 100000009068
SKU : 100000009068
  • £7.00

Clustered bellflower. Clump forming perennial that quickly becomes a mound of green foliage 30-40cm wide. In May/June and intermittently all summer 50cm tall flower spikes hold clusters of bright violet-blue bellflowers. Excellent for cutting and great in borders. Grow in fertile soil in sun or part shade.

Colour Purple
Evergreen Or Deciduous Deciduous
Flower Colour violet-blue
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy
Height 0.5m
Plant Size Medium: 2-5 Litres
Pot Size 2lt
Season Summer
Soil Type Any well drained
Spread 0.4m
Time Of Flowering Summer
Common Name clustered bellflower
Aspect Sun or Part Shade