Erigeron glaucus Sea Breeze (1lt)

Erigeron glaucus Sea Breeze (1lt)

Product Code: 100000008598
SKU : 100000008598
  • £4.50

Low mounds of lax grey green foliage. Great for exposed positions and drought tolerant. In summer the whole plant is smothered in large yellow centres mauve/pink daisy flowers for months on end.  Best in sun or light shade in any soil. Height 30cm, spread 45cm. Good rockery or front of border plant.

Colour Pink
Evergreen Or Deciduous Deciduous
Flower Colour mauve/pink
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy
Height 0.3m
Plant Size Small: 0-1.5 Litres
Pot Size 1lt
Season Spring to Summer
Soil Type Moist but well drained
Spread 0.4m
Time Of Flowering May-August
Common Name Seaside Daisy
Aspect Sun or Part Shade