Phlox glaberrima Triple Play (1.5lt)

Phlox glaberrima Triple Play (1.5lt)

Product Code: 100000007329
SKU : 100000007329
  • £6.00

Striking new form of meadow phlox with scented rose purple flowers in April and May. Variegated meadow phlox. Glaucous green and white variegated foliage makes a bold clump to around 50cm. Flowers upto 80cm tall. One of the few tall phlox that flower early in the season. Sun or part shade. Rare and recommended.


Colour Purple
Evergreen Or Deciduous Deciduous
Flower Colour rose purple
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy
Height 0.8m
Plant Size Small: 0-1.5 Litres
Pot Size 1.5lt
Season Spring
Soil Type Moist but well drained
Spread 0.5m
Time Of Flowering April-May
Aspect Sun or Part Shade