Euphorbia characias wulfenii (1lt)

Euphorbia characias wulfenii (1lt)

Product Code: 300000001801
SKU : 300000001801
  • £5.50

A bushy evergreen perennial with grey-green, glaucus foliage which remains attractive in winter. Huge heads of pale greeny yellow flowers make a fabulous display above the evergreen glaucous green foliage from April to July. Height 3-4ft (90-120cm). Spread 1m (100cm). Any soil in sun or shade. Frost hardy. Harmful if eaten, Skin and eye irritant.

Colour Yellow
Evergreen Or Deciduous Evergreen
Flower Colour yellow
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy
Height 1.2m
Native To Mediterranean
Plant Size Small: 0-1.5 Litres
Pot Size 1lt
Season Spring to Summer
Soil Type Any well drained
Spread 1.2m
Time Of Flowering May-June
Common Name Spurge
Award Of Garden Merit yes
Aspect Sunny