Wild Flower Butterflies and Bees Mix Seeds
A wide range of species to attract many beneficial insects into the garden, Mixture contains 20% wild flowers and 80% grasses for a quick and easy establishment, providing colour and insect interest over a long period.
Wildflower native species: Foxglove, Common Knapweed, Cornflower, Yarrow, Field Scabious, Field Poppy, Musk Mallow, Ox-Eye Daisy, Wild Clary and Corn Marigold.
Grass species: Browntop Bent, Strong Creeping Red Fescue, Crested Dogstail, Chewings Fescue and Sheeps Fescue.
Pack size: enough for 5 sq. metres.
Attractive to bees and other pollinating insects. Ideal for wildlife gardens and meadow planting
When to sow: Mar - Jun and Aug - Oct
Flowers: May - Oct