Acaena microphylla Kupferteppich (9cm)
A low growing, dense carpet forming evergreen of finely cut copper foliage. In summer it is topped w..
Alyssum montanum Berggold (1lt)
Masses of bright golden flowers cover the mow mounds of sofy grey green foliage in late spring to ea..
Androsace septentrionalis Stardust (9cm)
Low spreading mats of bright green rosettes, ideal ror rockeries in free draining soil in sun. In sp..
Anthemis cretica subsp. carpatica karpatenschnee (0.8lt)
Low growing carpet of finely divided grey/green leaves with golden centered, large white daisy like ..
Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica Little Treasure White (9cm)
Rock Cress. Mat-forming evergreen with loose rosettes of toothed green leaves, producing masses of p..
Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica Rosea (9cm)
Rock Cress. Mat-forming evergreen with loose rosettes of toothed green leaves, producin..
Arenaria balearica (1lt)
Forms a low cushion of dark grey green leaves and in summer it is covered in pretty cup shaped yello..
Armeria girardii Joystick Lilac (1lt)
Mound forming with globe shaped clusters of lilac flowers held on stiff stems above glaucous green l..
Armeria girardii Joystick Red (0.8lt)
Mound forming with globe shaped clusters of red flowers held on stiff stems above glaucous green lin..
Armeria girardii Joystick Red (1lt)
Mound forming with globe shaped clusters of red flowers held on stiff stems above glaucous green lin..
Armeria girardii Joystick White (0.8lt)
Mound forming evergreen with white flowers on strong stems above glaucous green linear leaves. Thriv..
Armeria juniperifolia Alba (9cm)
Alpine thrift. Small tufts of thin wiry foliage with a height and spread of around 5cm x 10cm. In sp..
Armeria juniperifolia Bevan's Variety (0.8lt)
Alpine thrift. Small tufts of thin wiry foliage with a height and spread of around 5cm x 10cm. In sp..
Armeria maritima Armada White (0.8lt)
Tuft forming hardy evergreen with white flowers on stiff green stems to around 15cm in spring and ea..
Armeria maritima Alba (1lt)
White flowered alpine sea thrift. Mound forming with white cushion flowers on thin green stems above..