sub shrub
Helianthemum Ben Fhada (0.8lt)
Single rich yellow flowers with orange centre in May-June and repeats sporadically throught the summ..
Helianthemum Ben Fhada (1.5lt)
Single rich yellow flowers with orange centre in May-June and repeats sporadically throught the summ..
Helianthemum Ben Ledi (1lt)
Small green leaves on this woody sub shrub to about 30cm. Covered in rose pink flowers with bright c..
Helianthemum Bunbury (0.7lt)
Small green leaves on this woody sub shrub to about 30cm. Covered in rose pink flowers with yellow c..
Helianthemum Cerise Queen (1.5lt)
A profusion double deep pink to red flowers with yellow centres from May. Superb evergreen ground co..
Helianthemum Cerise Queen (1lt)
A profusion double deep pink to red flowers with yellow centres from May. Superb evergreen ground co..
Helianthemum Henfield Brilliant (1lt)
A profusion brick red flowers from May-June. Height to 6ins (15cms). Superb evergreen ground ..
Helianthemum Mrs.C.W. Earle (Fireball) (1.5lt)
Double pom-pom like scarlet flowers in May/June repeat sporadically through the summer. Height 6-8in..
Helianthemum Mrs.C.W. Earle (Fireball) (1lt)
Double pom-pom like scarlet flowers in May/June repeat sporadically through the summer. Height 6-8in..
Helianthemum Shot Silk (0.8lt)
Spreading evergreen sub shrub with small grey green leaves. Papery apricot primrose flowers from lat..
Helianthemum Supreme (1lt)
Spreading. Grey green leaves and crimson red flowers. Superb evergreen ground cover. Prolific flower..
Helianthemum The Bride (1lt)
Spreading. Grey leaves with pure white flowers. Superb evergreen ground cover. Prolific flowers in l..
Helianthemum Wisley Primrose (1lt)
Grey foliage. Soft yellow flowers through summer from May. Any soil in sun. Height 6ins (15cms)...
Hesperaloe parviflora (2lt)
Red Yucca. Drought tolerant and surprisingly hardy the long, arching, grass like, glaucous gre..
Tetrapanax papyrifera Rex (2lt)
Hardy in sheltered sites, herbaceous in hard winters. Enormous slightly felted palmate leaves up to ..