Acer palmatum Bi Ho (3lt)

Acer palmatum Bi Ho (3lt)

Product Code: 300000007290
SKU : 300000007290
  • £32.90

Salmon pink leaves emerge in spring that gradually turn through yellow to green then flush with bright autumn colours. Orange/yellow stems glow through winter. This is an unusual show stopping, compact Japanese acer with a height and spread to around 2m. Ideal for pots or borders preferring humus rich neutral to acid soil in light shade.
Colour Red
Evergreen Or Deciduous Deciduous
Flower Colour red - purple
Good For Wildlife yes
Hardiness hardy
Height 2-3metres
Native To Japan
Plant Size Medium: 2-5 Litres
Pot Size 3lt
Season Spring
Soil Type Neutral to acid
Spread 2 metres
Time Of Flowering April to May
Common Name Japanese maple
Aspect Part Shade or shade