An immensely variable colour range, with two shades of a single colour and contrasting bi-colours. A true cottage garden flower, there is little to rival a mass planting of lupins with their tal..
One of the most popular varieties of Marigold, Boy O Boy is a compact, uniform plant with reliable displays of large bright flowers in orange, gold and mahogany. Height 15cm. Dead head reg..
Deep orange juicy flesh inside ribbed, rounded skins. Sweet and aromatic. Best grown in full sun in a glasshouse. Pollinate by hand then remove male flowers.Pack size: 20 seedsWhen to sow: Feb - MayHa..
Easy to grow with light green foliage and delicate sprays of light blue daisy like flowers with yellow centres. A beautiful sight in spring.Attractive to bees and other pollinating insects..
A vigorous, quick growing climber with large single flowers on plants that trail down, climb up or spread from side to side. Good for covering sheds, walls or areas you'd prefer not to see! &nbs..
Dwarf selection of Nasturtium with dark foliage and wonderfully contrasting vibrant red-orange flowers. Perfect for containers and borders. The flowers are also edible and ideal for summer salads.Hard..
A non-trailing mixture of single flowers in bright colours and as the name suggests the plants are very dwarf.Attractive to bees and other pollinating insects.Half Hardy AnnualPack size: 40 seedsWhen ..
Has all the delights of bedding, drying and cutting use but in an attractive range of colours from pink, purple, lilac, blue and white..Also know as 'Love in the Mist' and loved by flower arrangers.At..
The most popular variety of basil with a strong scent. Used in many Italian dishes such as pasta sauces and salads, especially with tomato. Combines well with garlic. Height and spread 45 x 30cm. H..