Phlox subulata Fabulous White (9cm)


Mat forming alpine moss Phlox. Narrow bright green needle like leaves and crisp white flowers with heart shaped petals from spring to early summer. Slowly creeping with a height and spread to aroun..

Phlox subulata Purple Beauty (1lt)


One of the best forms of purple moss phlox. Narrow bright green needle like leaves form low creeping mounds to around 15cm high by 40-80cm wide. Ideal for rockeries or spilling over walls in a sunn..

Pulsatilla vulgaris rode Klokke (1.5lt)


A select form of red Pasque flower with divided light green leaves, stunning bell shaped red flowers with yellow anthers in spring. Best in sandy well drained soil in full sun. Height 10-20cm, spre..

Pulsatilla vulgaris rubra (9cm)


Alpine. Divided light green leaves with bell shaped red flowers in spring. Best in sandy well drained soil in full sun. Height 10-20cm, spread 20cm. ..

Rhodanthemum Tangier (1lt)


Silver foliage with masses of pink backed, white, daisy flowers with orange/yellow centres throughout the summer. Well drained soil in sun. Height to around 25cm. ..

Sagina subulata Green Moss (1lt)


Pearlwort. A mat-forming alpine with narrow green leaves and white flowers in summer. Forma a tight low growing carpet that will continue to spread with a height to around 1cm. Flowers June to July..

Saxifraga Scenic Red (1lt)


Grows to a neat mound of mossy green foliage. Stems stretch above the mounds of mossy foliage holding red flowers in spring. Height to around 10cm. Sun or part shade. Sharply drained soil in sun. Perf..

Saxifraga Scenic White (1lt)


Grows to a neat mound of mossy green foliage. Stems stretch above the mounds of mossy foliage holding pure white flowers in spring. Height to around 10cm. Sun or part shade. Sharply drained soil in su..

Saxifraga x arendsii Ice Colours Appleblossom (0.8lt)


A lovely compact early flowering variety of saxifrage, tactile rosettes of moss like leaves, slowly creeping, with pretty pale pink flowers from February to May. Any well drained soil in sun. Height a..

Showing 64 to 72 of 89 (10 Pages)