Common sage. Aromatic grey green leaves and spires of lavender blue flowers in summer. Height and spread to around 50cm x 80cm. Any well drained soil in sun or part shade. An essential addition to ..
Purple leaved evergreen bush to around 2ft high. Purple/blue flowes in summer. Useful as a border shrub and essential for the kitchen garden. Any well drained soil in sun or light shade.
Purple leaved evergreen bush to around 2ft high. Purple/blue flowes in summer. Useful as a border shrub and essential for the kitchen garden. Any well drained soil in sun or light shade.
Tricoloured sage. Aromatic Purple, white and green leaves and spires of lavender blue flowers in summer. Height and spread to around 50cm x 80cm. Any well drained soil in sun or part shade. An ..
Very similar in all respects to patens but with paler Cambridge blue flowers. Height and spread to around 50cm x 40cm. Needs a sheltered spot in free draining soil in full sun. May need some winter..
Hairy green leaves with spikes of deep royal blue flowers through summer lasting into autumn. Shorter than most patens varieties with a height and spread to around 30cm x 25cm. Humus rich moist but..
Hairy green leaves with spikes of sky blue flowers through summer lasting into autumn. Shorter than most patens varieties with a height and spread to around 30cm x 25cm. Humus rich moist but well d..
Scented leaved Salvia with tall flower spikes holding purple, felty stems and clayces with palest lavender flowers from mid to late summer right through the Autumn. Half hardy requiring well drained s..