Search - Hebe
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Hebe Pascal (2lt)
Small rounded shrub with purple green lance shaped leaves and spikes of mauve flowers in Summer. A l..
Hebe Pastal Blue (10lt)
A beautiful neat evergreen shrub with small green leaves and pale lilac flowers smothering the plant..
Hebe Pastal Blue (5lt)
A beautiful neat evergreen shrub with small green leaves and pale lilac flowers smothering the plant..
Hebe Pink Candy (2lt)
A neat, compact hebe with lanceolate bronze-green leaves flushed purple when young and in winter. He..
Hebe Pink Paradise (5lt)
A newly introduced compact hebe with spikes of pink flowers through summer above grey-green spear-sh..
Hebe rakaiensis (2lt)
Very small, glossy, bright green leaves on this rounded hebe that grows up to 1m tall. In summer it ..
Hebe salicifolia (10lt)
A rounded evergreen shrub with spear shaped mid green leaves and masses of white flowers from mid to..
Hebe salicifolia Adel White (2lt)
Just as showy and florific as the popular old timer salicifolia but with a shorter with a neater hab..
Hebe Silver Queen (2lt)
A bushy rounded shrub with dark green leaves, margined creamy white. Flowers purple from summer to a..
Hebe topiaria (0.8lt)
A compact dome shaped hebe with small glaucous green leaves. Small terminal clusters of white flower..
Hebe Wild Romance (5lt)
Compact evergreen shrub with purple red foliage and light blue flowers in summer. Suitable for a wel..
Hebe Wiri Blush (2lt)
Erect, well branched shrub with light green leaves margined red. Pink flowers in summer. Can grow up..
Hebe Wiri Blush (5lt)
Erect, well branched shrub with light green leaves margined red. Pink flowers in summer. Can grow up..
Hebe Wiri Image (5lt)
Erect, well branched shrub with spear shaped mid-green leaves. Violet flowers in Summer fade to whit..
Parahebe catarractae (3lt)
Spreading sub-shrub with tinged purple green leaves and pretty lavender blue flowers with purple vei..