

Acer platanoides Crimson King (7lt)

A vigorous spreading tree with deep purple crimson leaves turning red in autumn. Small gold and red ..


Acer platanoides Crimson Sentry (10lt)

Purple Norway maple. A vigorous upright tree with dark reddish-purple leaves turning red in autumn. ..


Acer platanoides Crimson Sentry (12lt)

Purple Norway maple. A vigorous upright tree with dark reddish-purple leaves turning red in autumn. ..


Acer platanoides Drummondii (10lt)

A variegated form of Norway maple with white edged leaves. Golden flowers in April. Any soil. Sun or..


Acer platanoides Drummondii (12lt)

A variegated form of Norway maple with white edged leaves. Golden flowers in April. Any soil. Sun or..


Acer platanoides Princeton Gold (12lt)

Introduced in 1987 by William Flemmer of Princeton nurseries. Striking soft golden foliage. Makes a ..


Acer platanoides Princeton Gold (25lt)

Introduced in 1987 by William Flemmer of Princeton nurseries. Striking soft golden foliage. Beautifu..


Acer pseudoplatanus Brilliantissimum (12lt)

Wonderful shrimp pink young foliage maturing to pale green. A very spectacular small tree with sprea..


Acer pseudoplatanus variegatum Leopoldii (25lt)

Yellowy pink leaves emerge in spring and later become green splashed with yellow and pink. Grows to ..


Acer rubrum Red Sunset (20lt)

Young leaves emerge red tinged in spring before turning deep green through summer and then turn brig..


Aesculus carnea Briottii (25lt)

Long panicles of brick red flowers. Dark green leaves turn golden in the Autumn. Brown fruits (conke..


Aesculus carnea Briottii (36lt)

Long panicles of brick red flowers. Dark green leaves turn golden in the Autumn. Brown fruits (conke..


Aesculus hippocastanum (70lt)

Horse Chestnut'.Forms a large spreading tree with white candle flowers and large shiny brown conkers..


Albizia julibrissin Evy's Pride (12lt)

Silk Tree, rare and very special! Umbrella shaped small tree or large shrub. A vigorous selection wi..


Albizia julibrissin Evy's Pride (7lt)

Silk Tree, rare and very special! Umbrella shaped small tree or large shrub. A vigorous selection wi..


Showing 16 to 30 of 333 (23 Pages)