Trachelospermum jasminoides Star of Milano (2lt)
Twining climber. Sweetly scented subtle pink flowers produced above cream edged glossy evergreen lea..
Trachelospermum jasminoides Star of Toscana (2lt)
Shiny, deep green and glossy, ovate leaves to this twining climber that is happiest on a south, east..
Trachelospermum jasminoides Star of Toscana (7lt)
Shiny, deep green and glossy, ovate leaves to this twining climber that is happiest on a south, east..
Trachelospermum jasminoides Variegatum (3lt)
Strongly scented, creamy white flowers in summer. Glaucous green and white variegated, ovate, evergr..
Trachelospermum jasminoides Waterwheel (3lt)
A lovely variety of Trachelospermum. Long thin leaves have distinctive slivery midribs.Scented, star..
Vitis vinifera Cabernet Sauvignon (3lt)
Classic french claret grape variety, one of the premier grapes for making red wine worldwide. Late f..
Vitis vinifera Purpurea (7lt)
Grape Vine. A woody climber. Leaves start green turning to a rich claret red by mid-summer and dark ..
Wisteria brachybotrys Okayama (3lt)
Sweetly scented, elegant panicles of deep violet flowers in April and May and sporadically through s..
Wisteria brachybotrys Shiro-kapitan (7lt)
Stout, elegant panicles of scented pure white flowers in April and May. Vigorous climber that can gr..
Wisteria brachybotrys showa-beni (3lt)
Stout, elegant panicles of large, scented pinky lilac and white flowers in April and May. Vigorous c..
Wisteria Burford (3lt)
Large flowers on long drooping racemes of scented lilac blue flowers produced above pinnate green le..
Wisteria floribunda alba Shiro-noda (3lt)
Very long racemes of fragrant pea-like white flowers in May-June and sporadically through summer on ..
Wisteria floribunda Domino (Issai) (Trellis) (20lt)
Racemes of scented lilac-blue flowers fading almost white from Spring to early summer on this ..
Wisteria floribunda f. rosea Hon-Beni (3lt)
Smothered in racemes of scented pale pink flowers tipped purple. Vigorous twining climber upto 5m ta..
Wisteria floribunda Ito Koku Riu (12lt)
A recently introduced variety with long, drooping racemes of scented dark blue to violet flowers pro..