New in 2019 Choisya greenfingers grows as a neat, rounded evergreen bush reaching around 2m x 2m at maturity. It has large scented white flowers that cover the bush in May/June and sometimes having a ..
New in 2019 Choisya greenfingers grows as a neat, rounded evergreen bush reaching around 2m x 2m at maturity. It has large scented white flowers that cover the bush in May/June and sometimes having a ..
Peter Moore introduction with delicate lacey finely cut, evergreen, shiny golden foliage. White to pink flushed flowers in early summer and sometimes again in late summer. Height and spread to around ..
(MEXICAN ORANGEBLOSSUM). Sweetly scented white flowers in April and May and again in late summer. Evergreen with a height and spread to around 2.5m. Keep to required size by pruning after spr..
Makes a lovely rounded evergreen bush with a height upto 2.5m. Size can be kept in check by pruning after spring flowering. As the new shoots grow in spring the whole bush shines like a mound of go..
Slender, evergreen, shiney foliage. White to pink flushed flowers in early summer and sometimes again in late summer. Height and spread to around 2.5m. Prune to shape in early summer after flowerin..
A neat growing smaller version of aztec pearl in every respect. Leaves are narrower and the plant makes a compact bush to around 1.2m. Masses of scented white flowers produced in spring and then au..
A neat growing smaller version of aztec pearl in every respect. Leaves are narrower and the plant makes a compact bush to around 1.2m. Masses of scented white flowers produced in spring and then au..
Orange. Sweetly scented blossom followed by juicy oranges. Keep in good light and above freezing. Feed with citrus summer food in summer and winter food in winter.