Bushy rose with single, cupped pinky-red flowers followed by huge red hips. Vigorous habit with vibrant green wrinkled leaves and very prickly stems. Makes a lovely hedge, stand alone shrub o..
Rose of the year 2017. Repeat flowering climbing rose with a height and spread to around 3m x 2m. Multi headed, sweetly fragranced apricot blooms continue from June until the first frosts. Extremel..
Ground cover rose. Small, single, lilac flowers with excellent fragrance through the summer. Good disease resistance. Height and spread to around 60cm x 1m. Any fertile, well drained soil in su..
Hybrid Tea. Unusual red and white striped spicily scented double blooms all summer. Good disease resistance. Grow in any good garden soil in full sun to light shade. Dead head regularly to encourag..
Floribunda rose. Bronze leaves in spring turn a mid green with age. Clusters of beautifully formed yellow blooms with deep pink edges to the petals form June through to the first frosts. D..
Low growing patio rose bearing masses of semi-double pink flushed apricot flowers that repeat all summer providing dead heading is carried out. Lightly fragrant. Very florific, disease resistant and s..
English Shrub Rose. Easy to grow mid pink flowers with a pale reverse held on red stems, almost ruffled petals set around an attractive button eye. Wide arching growth and repeat flowering with a stro..
Hybrid Tea with large pure white scented flowers throughout the summer. Flowers tinged pink when they first open. Height and spread to around 3ft (90cms). Deep fertile soil in sun or li..
A lovely semi double floribunda with a mild scent. Dark green, glossy leaves produced with silky white flowers tinged lemon yellow in the centre, with a faint pink blush to the edges. Height and sprea..