A compact polyantha shrub rose with deep green leaves. Pretty, fully double, white flowers from red buds are produced through summer into autumn. Height and spread to 60cm. Fertile, well drained so..
Hybrid Tea. Large, double, rose pink blooms that are sweetly scented. Award winning varietry with good disease resistance. Grow in any good garden soil in full sun to light shade. Dead head reg..
Rose of the year 2018. Floribunda rose with beautifully formed multiheaded blooms of a rich red with a light scent. Bred by Colin Dickson this rose has excellent disease resistance and repeat b..
Climbing rose with clusters of scented white flowers above light, pale green leaves. An old time favourite with good disease resistance and styrong growth upto 7m (20ft). Almost thornless. In a cla..
Climbing Bourbon old shrub rose. Large, double pink to crimson, strongly perfumed flowers to this popular old shrub rose that can be grown as a free standing shrub or trained as a climber. Height a..
Bourbon shrub rose. Beautifully formed, chalice shaped, silvery pink flowers with a strong fruity fragrance. Perpetual flowers all summer on this lovely 'old timer' shrub rose (1878) with good dise..
Bushy floribunda rose with clusters of semi- double satin pink to white flowers produced above dark green leaves. Beautifully scented. Repeat flowers through summer so long as you dead head as require..
Floribunda rose with clusters of semi- double satin pink to white flowers produced above dark green leaves. Beautifully scented. Repeat flowers through summer so long as you dead head as required. ..