Euphorbia amygdaloides Purpurea
Limey yellow flowers from green buds contrast brilliantly against the deep purple foliage and red fl..
Euphorbia amygdaloides robbiae (1lt)
Wood Spurge. Flat heads of lime green flowers above the glossy dark green foliage from April to June..
Euphorbia characias Miners Merlot (2lt)
A long flowering Euphorbia with a rounded bushy habit and dark purple leaves. Bright yellow/green fl..
Euphorbia characias Silver Swan (1lt)
Blue green leaves with white margins makes this a wonderful foliage plant. Flowers appear above the ..
Euphorbia characias Silver Swan (2lt)
Blue green leaves with white margins makes this a wonderful foliage plant. Flowers appear above the ..
Euphorbia characias wulfenii (1lt)
A bushy evergreen perennial with grey-green, glaucus foliage which remains attractive in winter. Hug..
Euphorbia characias wulfenii (2lt)
A bushy evergreen perennial with grey-green, glaucus foliage which remains attractive in winter. Hug..
Euphorbia characias wulfenii Shorty (2lt)
A compact evergreen perennial with grey-green, glaucus foliage which remains attractive in winter. L..
Euphorbia Cocklebur (0.8lt)
Cross between E Suzanne and E Bupleurifolia showing characteristics from both parents. Rounded..
Euphorbia epithymoides (polychroma) (2lt)
Sulphur yellow flowers in April/May Neat growth. Height 18-24ins (40-60cms). Any soil in sun...
Euphorbia epithymoides Purpurea (polychroma)(2lt)
Sulphur yellow flowers in April and May with purple stained foliage. Height 50cm, spread 60cm. Best ..
Euphorbia Redwing (1lt)
Big heads of yellowish green flowers which remain fresh for a long time. A lovely compact variety gr..
Euphorbia Roundway Titan (3lt)
Larger in all respects than E. mellifera this magnificent evergreen looks fabulous in the middle of ..
Euphorbia Roundway Titan Langthorns Seedling (2lt)
Larger in all respects than E. mellifera this magnificent evergreen looks fabulous in the middle of ..
Euphorbia schillingii (1.5lt)
Long lasting greenish yellow flowers produced above dark green leaves with pale green/white centres...