Aconitum carmichaelii Arendsii (1.5lt)
In spring reddish, bronze tinted, deeply divided foliage appears that matures to a glossy green. Str..
Aconitum carmichaelii Cloudy (1.5lt)
Monkshood. Strong upright flower spikes appear from August to October holding masses of hooded bicol..
Aconitum napellus Blue Valley (1lt)
An upright perennial with dark green leaves. A form of napellus selected for its dense spikes of ind..
Aconitum Stainless Steel (2lt)
Tall flower spikes to 1.5m hold many very pretty palest blue Monkshood flowers in late summer to aut..
Aconitum x cammarum 'Bicolor' (1.5lt)
Beautiful bi-coloured variety with loose panicles of flowers, contrasting with glossy dark green f..
Actaea racemosa (2lt)
A beautiful late flowering plant with tall arching wands of scented white flowers from July-Septembe..
Actaea simplex Atropurpurea Group (2lt)
Long, slender, arching spires of white scented flowers appear from late summer and Autumn above dram..
Actaea simplex Black Negligee (2lt)
Darkest purple, almost black lacy foliage makes a wonderful clump in itself, but really comes alive ..
Actaea simplex Brunette (1.5lt)
Long, slender, arching spires of white scented flowers appear from late summer and Autumn above dram..
Actaea simplex Brunette (2lt)
Long, slender, arching spires of white scented flowers appear from late summer and Autumn above dram..
Actaea simplex Hillside Black Beauty (2lt)
Purple lacy foliage makes a wonderful clump in itself, but really comes alive when scented, arching ..
Actaea simplex Pink Spike (1.5lt)
The purple bronze foliage makes a wonderful clump in itself, but really comes alive when arching spr..
Anemone blanda (1lt)
Blue, white or pink flowers produced above dark green, divided leaves for a long period through the ..
Anemone Elfin Swan (1lt)
A lovely clump forming variety of Anemone that has pure white semi-double flowers which are backed b..
Anemone hupehensis japonica Pamina (1lt)
Large deep pink, cup shaped flowers in late Summer/Autumn above deeply cut dark green leaves. Forms ..