Marvellous March Loyalty Offers

March can be so exciting in the garden, with a welcome rush of colour from Daffodils and Primroses. Leaf buds on shrubs and trees are plumping up and ready to burst. Peony shoots are poking up through the earth, and spring trees, shrubs and perennials are splashing the horizon with beautiful blooms. This March we are celebrating Ericaceous plants, Fruit Trees and a sweetly scented evergreen . . .

FREE Potting service this March of ACID LOVING plants in Ericaceous soil, including stunning Camellias, beautiful Rhododendrons, delicious Blueberries and more.

Acid loving plants are few in number, but some of the loveliest and most popular.  Planted in pots, you can create the perfect environment and be rewarded with fantastic displays of colour.  This month, we want to celebrate these fantastic plants and take the hassle away, so why not choose your favourite ACID-LOVING plant, a fantastic pot, and we will plant it up for you on site with top quality Ericaceous soil at no extra charge.

-   Fantastic gift for Birthdays or Mothering Sunday

-   Perfect for brightening up the driveway, patio or front door.

. . . .EXCLUSIVELY to Loyalty card Holders, while stocks last!

Maximum 3 plants per cardholder.

10% OFF FRUIT TREES including apples, pears, plums, cherries, peaches, figs, quince, medlars and mulberries.

With the increasing sense of recycling, reusing and reducing our carbon footprint, it has never been a more perfect time to think about growing your own fruit and vegetables and you don't need a huge garden to do it. There is nothing better than picking your own fruit from just outside your backdoor and using it instantly in the kitchen, so why not give it a try this month.

-   Beautiful plants in fruit and in blossom.

-   The buzz of pollinating insects happy in their work.

-   The intense flavour and scents of fresh picked produce.

-   Huge variety of fruit trees, many grown on dwarf rootstocks, which are perfect for small gardens.

-   Try fan training against a sunny wall or fence or plant a half standard in a large pot.

. . . EXCLUSIVELY to Loyalty Card Holders only, while stocks last!

Osmanthus x burkwoodi  - A special price of £16.00 (WAS £18.90) per 5lt pot. . . EXCLUSIVELY to Loyalty Card Holders only, while stocks last!

Evergreens play an important role in the garden, offering structure, all year colour and perfect backdrops to showcase colourful perennials planted in front. Best features:

-   Sweetly scented white flowers, tubular in shape in spring.

-   Robust evergreen that grows well in sun or part shade.

-   Brightens up a corner of the garden.

-   Good for shaping and/or hedging

Height and spread to around 3m.

Maximum 3 plants per cardholder.