October Offers For Loyalty Card Holders

The autumn garden is in full swing, with dramatic displays of firey reds, oranges and yellows. It's a fantastic time to revamp an area or two or plant a new tree, allowing roots to establish before the cold months.

October offers are perfect choices for adding evergreen structure and attracting wildlife to the garden. . .

Choisya x dewitteana Aztec Pearl

Best features:

- Delicate pink-flushed flowers in early summer.

- Second flush of flowers again in late summer.

- Attractive, slender, evergreen foliage.

- Great for evergreen structure in the colder months.

Height and spread to around 2.5m.

A special price of £16.00 (WAS £19.90) per 7.5lt pot . . . exclusively to Loyalty Card Holders only, while stocks last!

Choisya ternata Sundance.

Best features:

- White, starry fragrant flowers in early summer.

- Striking golden foliage when new shoots emerge.

- Aromatic tri-lobed evergreen foliage.

- Great for winter structure. Can be kept in check by pruning after flowering.

Height and spread to around 2.5m

A special price of £12.00 (WAS £14.90) per 5lt pot . . . exclusively to Loyalty Card Holders only, while stocks last!

Choisya ternata.

Best features:

- Sweetly scented white flowers in early summer.

- Second flush of flowers in late summer.

- Evergreen foliage, great for winter structure.

- Can be kept to size by regular pruning after flowering.

Height and spread to around 2.5m.

A special price of £12.00 (WAS £14.90) per 5lt pot . . . exclusively to Loyalty Card Holders only, while stocks last!

Populus tremula

Best Features:

- Aspen. British native tree with spreading habit.

- Attractive deep green toothed, scallop shaped leaves.

- Fantastic autumn colour.

- Great for any soil in sun or light shade.

Height and spread to around 20m x 1m.

For a special price of £15.00 per 6lt pot (WAS £19.90) . . . exclusively to Loyalty Card Holders only, while stocks last!

Liriodendron tulipifera

Best Features:

- Majestic tree suitable for large gardens.

- Unusually shaped glossy leaves.

- Exotic looking yellowy tulip flowers produced in summer on mature trees.

- Gorgeous yellow autumn colour.

Height and spread to around 30m x 15m.

For a special price of £30.00 per 10lt pot (WAS £39.90) . . . exclusively to Loyalty Card Holders only, while stocks last!

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Populus tremula (7lt)

Populus tremula (7lt)

'Aspen'. Spreading habit. Dark green, toothed, scallop shaped leaves tremble in the lightest of bree..
