Dry and gravel gardens have become ever more popular, especially with the summer months becoming dryer with less rainfall each year. Here are a selection of plants that cope with drought conditions (once established). . .
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Achillea Credo (1lt)
Large leaved vigorous mat forming deciduous perennial . Green leaves with corymbs of pale yellow flo..
Achillea Fanal (1lt)
Bright red flowers from early summer that fade with age. Easy to grow. Dead head after each flush of..
Achillea filipendulina Gold Plate (1.5lt)
Huge plate like heads of golden yellow flowers from June to September. Excellent for drying. A..
Achillea Lachsschonheit (1lt)
Lovely grey_green feathery foliage.Throughout summer masses of stems hold salmon pink flowers that f..
Achillea millefolium Lilac Beauty (1lt)
A perennial with dark green leaves and lilac flowerheads. Free flowering. Flowers June to September ..
Achillea millefolium Pomegranate (tutti frutti series) (1lt)
From the tutti frutti series of yarrow that produces gorgeous deep red heads of flowers over a long ..
Achillea millefolium Summer Fruits Lemon (1lt)
(Yarrow) Delightful compact variety with feathery dark green leaves and large flat plates of tiny pa..
Achillea millefolium Wonderful Wampee (tutti-frutti series) (1lt)
Lovely new variety of yarrow that produces gorgeous bubblegum pink heads of flowers over a long peri..
Achillea Paprika (1lt)
Huge plate like heads of reddy orange flowers from June to September. Excellent for drying. An..
Achillea Walther Funcke (1lt)
Soft silvery foliage. Bright orange flowers through the summer. Any soil in sun or part shade. Dead ..
Agapanthus Silver Moon (1.5lt)
Variegated white and green strap like foliage, with large heads of blue flowers from july to frosts...
Agapanthus White Umbrella (1lt)
Nile Lily. A popular white flowered selection of evergreen Agapanthus. Bold strap like leaves form c..
Agave variegata (1lt)
A statement plant for a large conservatory or a very well drained, sheltered, sunny spot outdoors. R..
Allium Globemaster (2lt)
Spectacular globe heads of aster violet. Excellent foliage which, unlike other alliums, remain..
Allium vineale Hair (1lt)
Exotic looking purple-hearted flowers surrounded with a fine green mass of 'hair'! Excellent for mix..
Allium Purple Rain (1lt)
Large, star like purple flowers produced on tall stems after green leaves have died away. Superb as ..
Allium schoenoprasum (Chives) (0.75lt)
A member of the onion family chives are delicious used in salads, stir frys, dressings and all sorts..
Allium sphaerocephalon (1lt)
Beloved by bees! Tall deep red-purple, egg shaped flower heads in July and August. One of the last a..
Artemisia dracunculus (French Tarragon) (9cm)
Aromatic lush green leaves. Perfect for adding delicious flavour to chicken dishes. Grow..
Artemisia ludoviciana Valerie Finnis (1lt)
Clumps of lance-shaped, usually coarsely toothed leaves, vividly white when young with small, yellow..
Anthemis tinctoria Kelwayii (1lt)
Clump forming. Golden orange flowers are freely produced on branching stems above mid green leaves w..
Anthemis tinctoria Sauce Hollandaise (1lt)
Clump forming. Pale cream flowers are freely produced on branching stems above mid green leaves with..
Ballota pseudodictamnus (1lt)
Round woolly silver grey foliage forming a neat sub-shrub to around 45cm x 60cm. Any well drained so..
Calamagrostis brachytricha (1.5lt)
Dense clumps of soft green leaves, tinted with orange and yellow in autumn. Feathery flowers of pink..
Calamagrostis x acutiflora Karl Foerster (1.5lt)
Feather reed grass deep green lustrous foliage to this upright makes it one of the most popular orna..
Calamagrostis x acutiflora Overdam (1.5lt)
Striking, creamy-white and green striped foliage upto 4ft (1.2m). Pinky-purple vertical inflorescenc..
Calamintha nepeta nepeta Blue Cloud (1lt)
A clump-forming perennial with beautifully scented small green leaves topped with sprays of pale blu..
Caryopteris x Pink Perfection (3lt)
A new hardy, pink flowered variety of Caryopteris. Bred by Peter Cat this chance seedling is a magne..
Cistus x corbariensis (3lt)
Deep green, crinkled edged evergreen leaves grow to 90cm mounds when mature. Papery white flowers wi..
Cistus x purpureus Alan Fradd (3lt)
The flowers are large white with maroon central blotches and yellow eyes in May and June. Roun..
Ceanothus arboreus Trewithen Blue (3lt)
Huge heads of rich blue flowers in early summer. Glossy deep green ovate leaves. Any soil in a sunny..
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Millerton Point (3lt)
Large shrub with fresh green foliage & bright white flowers in early summer. Any soil in sun or ..
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus repens (2lt)
A lovely and vigorous low spreading evergreen shrub with glossy mid-green leaves. Bright blue flower..
Ceanothus Victoria (3lt)
Glossy, deep evergreen leaves that make a perfect foil to the clusters of bright blue flowers in May..
Centranthus ruber Snowcloud (1lt)
White flowers produced above bright green leaves. Will grow on walls and dry stony banks. Height bet..
Cynara cardunculus (1lt)
Cardoon. Huge silvery-grey deeply cut leaves with thistle like, purple flower heads on tall edible s..
Cynara cardunculus scolymus (3lt)
Clump forming. Silvery-grey deeply cut leaves with large, succulent globe artichokes, which if not e..
Dianthus Candyfloss (1lt)
Double, soft pink flowers with frilly edges above compact mounds of silvery blue-green foliage. Supe..
Dianthus carthusianorum (1.5lt)
Species dianthus. Clumps of grey green, grass like foliage all year. From late May through summer st..
Dianthus Coconnut Sundae (1lt)
Semi-double frilly edged pure white flowers with deep maroon eyes are borne above compact moun..
Dianthus Coral Reef (1lt)
Coral pink flowers with white edges above compact mounds of silvery blue-green foliage. Superb perfu..
Dianthus deltoides Arctic Fire (1lt)
A low creeping mat of bright green foliage with small white flowers with a crimson eye, the petals d..
Dianthus deltoides Flashing Lights (1lt)
A low spreading mound of light green leaves, studded with small white flowers in late spring, then o..
Dianthus deltoides Maiden pink (1lt)
Rich green foliage forms a dense evergreen mat with bright crimson red flowers in abundance in Summe..
Dianthus Memories (1lt)
Similar to Mrs Sinkins but better. Compact mounds of narrow, grey green foliage. Beautifully formed ..
Dianthus Mojito (1lt)
Highly Scented, single white flower with a stunning lime green eye with slightly frilly edges are he..
Dianthus Tequila Sunrise (1lt)
Gorgeous pastel pink flowers with red edged apricot eye are held on strong stems that rarely split f..
Erigeron Azure Fairy (1lt)
Clump forming. Large semi double lavender blue flowers produced above basal leaves from early to mid..
Erigeron glaucus Elstead Pink (1lt)
Rosettes of glaucus green long spoon shaped leaves on this neat growing seaside daisy. From May thro..
Erigeron glaucus Sea Breeze (1lt)
Low mounds of lax grey green foliage. Great for exposed positions and drought tolerant. In summer th..
Erigeron Pink Jewel (1lt)
Bright pink daisy flowers from June to August. Best in sun or light shade in any soil. Height ..
Erigeron Snow White (Schneewitchen) (1lt)
(Fleabane). Clump forming perennial with daisy like white , yellow centered flowers early to mid sum..
Erigeron Wayne Roderick (1lt)
Clump forming. Large, lavender blue, daisy like flowers produced above basal leaves from early to mi..
Erodium pelargoniiflorum (1.5lt)
Soft, downy, scented, apple green foliage forms mounds from woody stems. Pretty white flowers veined..
Erodium Purple Haze
Finely cut silver/grey foliage forms a low growing mound topped with delicate 5 petaled white flower..
Erodium reichardii Bianca (1lt)
Mound forming. Dark green, downy leaves with short stems holding pink flowers. Height and spread to ..
Eryngium bourgatii (1.5lt)
Grey/green white veined leaves. Blue green thistle flowers. Any soil in sun or part shade. Height 40..
Eryngium bourgatii Picos Blue (1.5lt)
Silvery blue thistle like flowers above clumps of dark grey green leaves with silver veins. Height a..
Eryngium planum (1lt)
Sea Holly. A perennial with spiny, mid-green leaves. Branched stems of cone-shaped, light blue flowe..
Eryngium planum Blue Cap (1lt)
(Sea holly). Erect semi-evergreen perennial with thistle like blue flowers during summer. Grow in sa..
Eryngium variifolium (1lt)
Sea Holly. A perennial with spiny, mid-green leaves, marbled with white veins. Branched stems of con..
Euphorbia characias Silver Swan (1lt)
Blue green leaves with white margins makes this a wonderful foliage plant. Flowers appear above the ..
Euphorbia characias wulfenii (2lt)
A bushy evergreen perennial with grey-green, glaucus foliage which remains attractive in winter. Hug..
Euphorbia Redwing (1lt)
Big heads of yellowish green flowers which remain fresh for a long time. A lovely compact variety gr..
Euphorbia Roundway Titan (3lt)
Larger in all respects than E. mellifera this magnificent evergreen looks fabulous in the middle of ..
Echinacea Primadonna Deep Pink (1lt)
Large deep pink daisy flowers from june to september. Dark green foliage, height 90cm, spread 45cm. ..
Echinacea Primadonna White (1lt)
A lovely white form of coneflower with stems of daisy like ivory white flowers surrounding a large g..
Echinacea purpurea Lucky Star (1lt)
Compact form of Echinacea with masses of white flowers in late summer with prominent orangey yellow ..
Echinacea purpurea Rubinstern (1lt)
Large deep carmine flowers with a brown-orange boss in mid-summer onwards. Height to 3ft. Any soil i..
Echinacea purpurea White Swan (1lt)
Erect perennial with stems of daisy like ivory white flowers with orange centres from July to August..
Festuca glauca Elijah Blue (1lt)
Blue fescue. A selected form of festuca glauca, chosen for its strong silverblue coloures foliage. T..
Foeniculum vulgare (green Fennel) (0.8lt)
Flat yellow flowers followed by aromatic seeds, above mid green aniseed flavoured leaves. Height 180..
Gaura lindheimeri Cherry Brandy (Oenothera) (1lt)
Bushy clump forming. Slender stems of star shaped pink flowers produced above dark green leaves.Flow..
Gaura lindheimeri Corrie's Gold (Oenothera) (1lt)
Bushy clump forming. Slender stems of star shaped white flowers, that fade pink, produced above gold..
Gaura lindheimeri Crimson Butterflies (Oenothera) (1lt)
Erect bushy perennial. Pink flowers from late spring to early autumn. Grow in moist well drained soi..
Gaura lindheimeri Rosyjane (Oenothera) (1lt)
Rosyjane is the first bicoloured Gaura and has white flowers edged pinky red. A very pretty selectio..
Gypsophila repens Filou White (1lt)
A fabulous dwarf variety with small starry white fragrant flowers produced in abundance over a carpe..
Helianthemum Ben Ledi (1lt)
Small green leaves on this woody sub shrub to about 30cm. Covered in rose pink flowers with bright c..
Helianthemum Ben Fhada (1.5lt)
Single rich yellow flowers with orange centre in May-June and repeats sporadically throught the summ..
Helianthemum Cerise Queen (1lt)
A profusion double deep pink to red flowers with yellow centres from May. Superb evergreen ground co..
Helianthemum Henfield Brilliant (1lt)
A profusion brick red flowers from May-June. Height to 6ins (15cms). Superb evergreen ground ..
Helianthemum Mrs.C.W. Earle (Fireball) (1lt)
Double pom-pom like scarlet flowers in May/June repeat sporadically through the summer. Height 6-8in..
Helianthemum Supreme (1lt)
Spreading. Grey green leaves and crimson red flowers. Superb evergreen ground cover. Prolific flower..
Helianthemum The Bride (1lt)
Spreading. Grey leaves with pure white flowers. Superb evergreen ground cover. Prolific flowers in l..
Helianthemum Wisley Primrose (1lt)
Grey foliage. Soft yellow flowers through summer from May. Any soil in sun. Height 6ins (15cms)...
Iris Ambassadeur (TB) (1lt)
Dark plum coloured falls with yellow beard and white flecked throats and paler blue/purple standards..
Iris Benton Lorna (TB) (2lt)
Bred by Sir Cedric Morris. Glorious, bicoloured, tall bearded iris that has lavender and white stand..
Iris Benton Nigel (TB) (2lt)
Glorious, bicoloured, tall bearded iris with blue standards and inky purple falls to 90cm. Well drai..
Iris Benton Susan (TB) (2lt)
Bred by Sir Cedric Morris. Tall bearded iris that has buff yellow standards with white falls edged b..
Iris Dwarf Cherry Garden (SDB) (3lt)
Sword like green leaves give way to glowing plum red flowers with a purple beard through May. Height..
Iris Dwarf Ed's Blue (DB) (1lt)
Dwarf bearded iris. Very deep royal blue flowers appear on stems above narrow green leaves. Height 2..
Lavandula angustifolia Rosea (1lt)
Lavender. A very compact bushy shrub with narrow greyish green leaves and spikes of lavender-pink fl..
Lavandula x intermedia Dutch (1lt)
Compact, busy scented evergreen with narrow silvery foliage and fragrant blue flowers from July to S..
Lavandula x intermedia Edelweiss (1t)
A new cultivar with white flowers and grey-green, very aromatic foliage. Grows to 60cm, in well drai..
Lavatera x clementii Barnsley Baby (3lt)
Dwarf version of the Lavatera Barnsley, with a well branched habit. Saucer shaped, soft pink flowers..
Lychnis chalcedonica (1lt)
Erect deciduous perennial with rosette shaped scarlet flowers early and mid summer. Grow in clay or ..
Lychnis coronaria Alba (1lt)
Dusty Miller, Rose Campion. An erect perennial with woolly silver-grey leaves and open pure white fl..
Lychnis flos-cuculi Petite Jenny (1lt)
Delicate, deeply serrated soft pink double flowers sway gracefully in the wind in spring and early s..
Lychnis viscaria subsp. Atropurpurea (1lt)
Commonly known as red catchfly due to it's sticky flower stems. Masses of beautiful, deep purple flo..
Nepeta cataria (0.8lt)
True Catnep. Adored by cats and bees alike. Scented toothed green leaves with pinkish white flowers ..
Nepeta curviflora (1.5lt)
Syrian catmint. This is a little grown and lovely form of catmint that makes a well mannered clump o..
Nepeta grandiflora Dawn To Dusk (1lt)
Scented clump forming deciduous perennial with racemes of pale pink flowers during summer. Grow in c..
Nepeta grandiflora Summer Magic (1lt)
Upright form of catmint with dense, aromatic grey-green foliage and spikes of purple-blue flowers fr..
Nepeta x faassenii Junior Walker (1lt)
This is a dwarf, sterile version with a height and spread to around 35cm x 50cm. Aromatic soft grey ..
Nepeta subsessilis Pink Dreams (1lt)
Lush, serrated edged, apple green leaves form wonderful carpets when planted enmasse. Spikes of soft..
Nerine bowdenii Isabel (2lt)
Dark pink flowered form with flower spikes in Autumn upto 60cm. Best planted at the base of a south ..
Oenothera macrocarpa (1lt)
Spreading perennial that has large saucer shaped yellow flowers over a long period through summer. E..
Oenothera macrocarpa fremontii Silver Wings (1lt)
A vigorous perennial with trailing stems that grows in poor to moderately fertile. well drained soil..
Oenothera speciosa Siskiyou (1lt)
Unlike most Oenotheras Siskiyou flowers by day with beautifully veined, pale pink, saucer shaped flo..
Oenothera stricta Sulphurea (1lt)
A short lived perennial or biennial. Green leaves with arching red stemmed flower spikes all summer ..
Origanum Hot and Spicy (0.75lt)
A hot and spicy variety of oregano perfect for cooking with and especially good with meat dishes. Ne..
Origanum vulgare (Native Marjoram) (9cm)
British native wild marjoram, a milder flavour than Mediterranean species. Dark green scented foliag..
Origanum vulgare Aureum (Golden French Oregano) (9cm)
Scented bushy perennial producing masses of pretty pink flowers throughout Summer above mounds of sc..
Origanum vulgare Compactum (Margoram) (1lt)
A dwarf variety of Marjoram with a naturally mound forming nature, dark green scented foliage and ma..
Papaver orientale Beauty of Livermere (0.8lt)
Spreading perennial. Bristly green leaves topped with single scarlet crimson red flowers with a blac..
Phlomis tuberosa Amazone (2lt)
Toothed deep olive green foliage formed in robust clumps. Red stems surrounded with whorls of lilac ..
Santolina chamaecyparissus (2lt)
Compact and rounded evergreen shrub with finely dissected greyish green leaves and yellow flowers on..
Sedum rupestre Angelina (9cm)
A mat-forming alpine with succulent pointed golden leaves which turn green with hints of red and ora..
Sedum Touchdown Teak (1lt)
Low growing perennial. Deep burgandy glossy leaves are topped by clusters of star shaped ruby red fl..
Sedum ussuriense Turkish Delight (1lt)
A striking form of stonecrop shorter than the border types but taller that the alpine types. Leaves ..
Sisyrinchium striatum (1lt)
Clump forming perennial. Upright stems holding pale yellow flowers from spring into summer above nar..
Stachys byzantina Big Ears (1lt)
Lambs Ears. Greyish green felted leaves with woolly spikes of purple flowers produced in summer. An ..
Stipa gigantea (1.5lt)
Giant feather grass or giant oat. Huge flower heads purple turning to harvest yellow. 4-6Ft (1.2-1.8..
Symphytum Goldsmith (1.5lt)
Spreading perennial. Clusters of pale blue flowers appear in late spring above gold and cream varieg..
Teucrium chamaedrys L. (1.5lt)
Wall Germander. This deciduous variety of Teucrium has a lax, creeping habit with toothed, scallop s..
Teucrium x lucidrys (9cm)
Spikes of reddish pink flowers from July-Sept. Aromatic foliage. To 1ft Any soil in sun. Very effect..
Thymus citriodorus Variegata (9cm)
Lemon variegated thyme. Golden edges to the green leaves that have a rich lemon scent. Perfect..
Thymus Creeping Lemon (1lt)
Lemon scented with a gently creeping habit that forms a low mound to around 20cm x 40cm. Pink flower..
Thymus Creeping Red (0.8lt)
A lovely ground hugging thyme. One of the serphyllum types which hugs the ground like a carpet and s..
Thymus Doone Valley (9cm)
Thyme. A mat-forming subshrub with dark green leaves dotted with yellow. Lavender-pink flowers open ..
Thymus Jekka (1lt)
Introduced by herb grower Jekka McVicar, this attractive creeping thyme has small pink flowers..
Thymus Orange Scented (0.8lt)
Orange scented thyme. Orange scented foliage adds a fruity flavour to dishes. Evergreen groundcover ..
Thymus Pink Chintz (0.8lt)
Thyme. A mat-forming alpine with creeping stems, narrow grey-green leaves. Whorls of pale pink flowe..
Thymus Ruby Glow (0.8lt)
A lovely ground hugging thyme. Gentlly creeping low mounds with dark aromatic leaves. Masses of red ..
Thymus Snow Drift (0.8lt)
Thyme. A mat-forming alpine with creeping stems, narrow green leaves. Masses of clear white flowers ..
Thymus x citriodorus 'Culinary Lemon' (1lt)
Lush green foliage with white leaf margins and a rich lemon scent. Perfect for ground cover, g..
Tulbaghia Purple Eye (1lt)
Society Garlic. Clustered heads of star shaped lilac pink flowers with deep purple eyes from May to ..
Tulbaghia silver Lace (1lt)
Umbels of lilac mauve flowers above the attractive variegated foliage. Height to around 60cm with a ..
Verbascum chaixii Wedding Candles (1lt)
Pure white flowers with violet stamens produced on tall upright spikes. Height and spread to around ..
Verbascum phoeniceum Rosetta (1lt)
Rosette forming semi-evergreen Perennial with dep pink flowers from mid to late summer. Grow in poor..
Verbascum phoeniceum White Bride (1lt)
Tall spikes of white flowers. The lower flowers open first, making their way up to the top. Height t..
Verbascum Snow Maiden (1lt)
Superb garden plant for the back of a border. Well branched erect spires of white flowers in summer ..
Verbascum x hybridum Banana Custard (1lt)
Tall spires of two tone yellow flowers in summer that tower above rosettes of crinkled grey green le..
Verbena officionalis var. grandiflora Bampton (1.5lt)
Perfect for pots this verbena has purple tinted leaves and dark stems. From mid to late summer it di..
Verbena Sissinghurst (1lt)
Large heads of mid pink flowers throughout the summer. Height 15cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers May to Sept..