If you're looking to cover some bare ground in the sunshine, then here are a few suggestions of plants perfect for a fantastic display of flowers and foliage.
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Geranium Rozanne (1lt)
Lush two tone palmate green leaves form beautiful mounds. Masses of violet-blue flowers with a white..
Geranium Mavis Simpson (1lt)
A spreading, semi-evergreen perennial with downy, greyish-green leaves forming good ground cover, an..
Geranium x cantabrigiense Cambridge (1lt)
A mass of pinky lilac flowers from May to September. Forms low spreading cushion. Great as a ground ..
Erigeron karvinskianus (karvensis profusion) (1lt)
Carpeting perennial. White flowers, that fade pink and purple, with yellow centres are produced abov..
Oenothera macrocarpa (1lt)
Spreading perennial that has large saucer shaped yellow flowers over a long period through summer. E..
Oenothera macrocarpa fremontii Silver Wings (1lt)
A vigorous perennial with trailing stems that grows in poor to moderately fertile. well drained soil..
Alchemilla mollis Thriller (3lt)
Lady's mantle. Thriller is a more upright and larger leaved form with a height and spread to around ..
Nepeta x faassenii (1lt)
Low mound forming. Wuth lilac blue flowers appearing in summer above mid green leaves...
Lysimachia punctata (1lt)
Loosestrife. A clump-forming perennial with softly hairy, dark green leaves and attractive spikes of..
Origanum vulgare Aureum (Golden French Oregano) (9cm)
Scented bushy perennial producing masses of pretty pink flowers throughout Summer above mounds of sc..
Osteospermum jucundum Compactum (1lt)
A good hardy variety which bears large pink flowers in succession through summer. Height and spread ..
Sedum rupestre Blue Cushion (9cm)
Evergreen, fast growing ground cover with silvery blue foliage and starshaped white to pink flowers ..
Thymus Caborn Wine and Roses (0.8lt)
This is a superb form of creeping thyme with dark wine red growing tips and deep green leaves. Gentl..
Thymus Doone Valley (9cm)
Thyme. A mat-forming subshrub with dark green leaves dotted with yellow. Lavender-pink flowers open ..
Bergenia Harzkristall (1lt)
Glossy evergreen leaves. Strong red stained stems hold pretty white flowers with a hint of pink in s..
Bergenia Diamond Drops (1lt)
Elephants ears. Clumps of lush, shiny, rounded green leaves that take on purple/red hues in winter. ..
Bergenia Eroica (1lt)
Lush green foliage which turns to stunning shades of copper in the autumn. Bright pink flowers on re..
Persicaria affinis Darjeeling Red (1lt)
Mat forming semi-evergreen perennial with green leaves turning red in autumn with small spikes of de..
Helianthemum Mrs.C.W. Earle (Fireball) (1lt)
Double pom-pom like scarlet flowers in May/June repeat sporadically through the summer. Height 6-8in..
Helianthemum Supreme (1lt)
Spreading. Grey green leaves and crimson red flowers. Superb evergreen ground cover. Prolific flower..
Helianthemum The Bride (1lt)
Spreading. Grey leaves with pure white flowers. Superb evergreen ground cover. Prolific flowers in l..
Campanula poscharskyana E. H. Frost (1lt)
Bellflower. Vigorous spreading, upright perennial with rounded, mid-green leaves. Arching sprays of ..